Home Master's in Health Administration Degree Programs Master's in Healthcare Administration Degrees in Connecticut

Master’s in Healthcare Administration Degrees in Connecticut

Connecticut’s health centers are known for being ahead of the game in terms of the latest innovations and techniques to both reduce patient waiting time and cut costs. In order for such services to continue operating at such a high level, there is a stable need for well-trained healthcare administrators in Connecticut. Administrative leaders in healthcare may not always be doctors or nurses, but they are the backbone which keeps many medical institutions operating smoothly as businesses.

A quality healthcare administrator has the ability to seamlessly manage staff hours, deal with patient concerns, manage financial and logistical aspects of the healthcare facility and address concerns of family and friends of those who are receiving treatment. If you are a leader who would like to lend your talents to the operation and delivery of healthcare in CT, then getting your Master’s in Healthcare Administration may be the next best career and education move you can make. Contact the schools on this page to learn more about your options.

When applying for a job as a healthcare administrator, most people find that candidates with a Master’s in Healthcare Administration (MHA) are preferred. There are also a good deal of administrators who earn master’s degrees in public health, informatics and business that aim for the same managerial positions in healthcare. Not all students who complete this degree will go on to have the same career, but the core skills they are taught can be useful in any medical setting. With an MHA degree in Connecticut, you may be able to go on to manage a hospital, clinic, assisted living center, or even a large healthcare system.

Choosing a school for this master’s degree is not easy. There are many great institutions in Connecticut, but it is vital to find the one that is right for you. That is why we recommend obtaining information from as many schools as you can today, to begin the process of comparing key aspects of the programs. Assess the school’s reputation in the medical community, research the types of courses they offer within the Master’s in Medical Administration degree, and learn about the job rates of recently graduated students.

Healthcare Administration Careers in Connecticut

The median salary for this profession stands at $110,260, making the earnings potential one of the reasons why so many healthcare administrators go back to school in CT to get their Master’s degree.

The same source highlights the growing need for healthcare administrators in Connecticut. There were approximately 6,600 Medical and Health Services Managers employed in the state in 2020. This number is expected to rise to around 8,370 in 2028. That is a percentage increase of 15 percent over the decade leading up to 2028, with around 730 job openings annual over that period.

Education for Healthcare Administration in Connecticut

There are many educational institutions in Connecticut where you can study to become a healthcare administrator. For example, the University of New Haven and Western Connecticut State University both offer the Master’s in Healthcare Administration program to their students.

Students also have the option of finding a Connecticut based online institution where they can complete the required coursework and examinations. While it may be more challenging to complete this degree online, healthcare institutions accept applicants that have completed online schooling, as this route is becoming more accessible for working professionals.

Connecticut has a vibrant community of healthcare professionals. It may be a good idea to find a local networking organization that meets on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This would give you the chance to make an acquaintance of healthcare professionals in the area. These events can also be great for handing out resumes or asking about job openings.

The Master’s in Healthcare Administration is not an easy program, but most colleges offer students the opportunity to be full time or part time. As long as all the coursework and exams are completed within six years, you can expect to maintain a reasonably flexible class schedules. This helps students who may want to continue working while they get their master’s degree.

Courses such as organizational behavior, human resources management, health services quality management, and health services marketing will help you get a deeper understanding of how healthcare systems are run within Connecticut. These courses are meant to prepare you for the difficult but rewarding task of becoming a healthcare administrator. Contact the schools offering MHA programs in Connecticut to start learning about the differences between each, in order to decide upon the school that is right for you.


2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.

Job growth projections sourced from the Connecticut Department of Labor and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

Health Administration Schools

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