Home Utah Health Administration Degree Programs

Utah Health Administration Degree Programs

Every healthcare institution relies on strong management to oversee the work of nurses, doctors, aides, and other medical personnel. Not only do health administrators manage staff, they spearhead marketing initiatives, balance budgets, and ensure that their institution has a place in the community. If you’re ready to put your networking skills to use in a new career, consider looking into health administration degrees in Utah.

We have taken the time to organize a list of all the possible health administration degrees available below, and we recommend obtaining program information from multiple schools to get a thorough picture of your options.

Utah’s population growth rate is one of the fastest in the country. The state’s steady influx of new residents is creating career opportunities in virtually every field, including those requiring administration degrees in healthcare. There are also lots of changes being made to the Utah health delivery system. Healthy Utah is a new program that provides health insurance to low-income residents. As local institutions begin to move towards this and other new systems, health administrators will be needed for a smooth transition.

Another major change in Utah is in regards to the Take Care Utah network. They, like many other state networks, recently received almost $500,000 from the federal government to improve Utah healthcare access on a state-wide level. Health administrators in this area are very important, since they are capable of managing incoming funds.

Healthcare Administration Education in Utah

While much of being a good health administrator comes from experience and time, you can get started by completing a comprehensive education program in Utah. You should look for a health administration degree that offers training in organizational budgeting, staff management, non-profit marketing, and healthcare management. Although lots of your training may come from classroom hours and textbooks, it’s also important to get hands-on experience in the workforce.

Utah is home to several healthcare administration schools, offering a variety of health administration degree programs. Many of the training programs can be found in Salt Lake City, with concentrations that range from long term care to health information systems and pharmacy management.

The early courses in a Bachelor’s degree program may give you a solid background in healthcare and business management. You may take classes like Overview of the U.S. Health System, Healthcare Management, and Organizational Behavior & Leadership. These classes give way to more intensive classes like Healthcare Economic and Policy, Strategic Healthcare Marketing, Healthcare Finance, and Population Health.

Hands-on training often comes in the form of an internship, externship, or practicum. At a local clinic, hospital, or nursing home, you can work underneath a health administrator to learn more about the daily work involved with this job. In addition, you can begin putting your management skills to work.

Applying for local scholarships is often an excellent way to save money on your health administration degree, and may help you by creating valuable connections in the Utah healthcare community. The Utah Public Health Association may have scholarship opportunities for those that wish to work in the field of public health. The scholarship is worth $500. The Shelly Fuller Health Education Scholarship is funded by the Health Education Association of Utah. This $500 scholarship can be awarded to both undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a health administration degree. Another health organization with scholarship opportunities is the Association for Utah Community Health.

Outlook for Healthcare Administration Careers in Utah

No matter a state’s population, demographics, or medical needs, it is absolutely essential for the healthcare system to run smoothly and efficiently. Delays or mistakes in care can lead to serious side effects, and in many cases, even death. That’s why healthcare administrators are such a crucial part of the medical industry of Utah. As a healthcare administrator, you can bring unique experience and training to the table to meet the healthcare goals of Utah.

Utah has one of the highest projected job growth rates for medical managers in the entire country with a 30% increase in demand between 2018 and 2028. In addition, salaries in this field tend to be very lucrative. The median income for a Utah medical manager is $90,950 per year.

Some of the largest health administration employers in Utah are University of Utah Healthcare, Gentiva Health Services, and Hearts for Hospice. There are also many local groups and organizations that can help you learn more about this field and help create a career path for you. The Medical Group Management Association of Utah brings healthcare management professionals together for problem solving purposes, legislative updates, conferences, and continuing education opportunities. Another local group is the Health Financial Management Association of Utah.

The future of healthcare is still being determined, mainly through the work of healthcare professionals like you. Utilize your skills in a new way by contacting healthcare administration programs in Utah.


2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.

Job growth projections sourced from the Utah Department of Workforce Services and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

2020 Medical and Health Services Manager Estimated Job Openings

Data Source

The future of healthcare is still being determined, mainly through the work of healthcare professionals like you. Utilize your skills in a new way by contacting healthcare administration programs in Utah.

Health Administration Schools

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