Health Care Administration in California
When you go into a hospital, clinic, or another health care organization, you’ll see that the best organizations run smoothly and efficiently. A major part of this success comes from health care administrators. Whether you’re new to the field of health care or you’ve found success in another health care career, health care administration degrees in California can help you take the next step in your career.
Contact the California schools with healthcare admin programs listed below to get details about applying, enrolling and earning your bachelor’s degree.
Bachelor’s in Healthcare Admin Programs in California
The California legislature has a variety of bills that affect the medical industry of the state. Becoming a health care administrator requires you to have an extensive knowledge of these laws and understand how they affect medical organizations.
Given the state’s recent leaps and bounds in health care, this may be the perfect time to become a manager or administrator. Nerdier Pourat, a well-known researcher of health care policy, notes that she does not know where California’s health care system would be without recent changes.
Working in this field may also give you the chance to work in more specialized areas of health care. A recent bill in California would reshape the state’s workers’ compensation system, profoundly affecting the money spent on these claims every year.
To earn a bachelor’s degree in health care administration, you must complete a minimum of 120 credits. For the average full-time student, this takes eight semesters. While most of these courses explore the health care field from a theoretical point of view, you should plan on taking at least one or two courses that develop your practical health care management skills. Early in your curriculum, you may take courses like The American Health Care System, Health Care Administration in Action, and Health Insurance in America. When you have some background from these courses, you may be able to enroll in classes like Legal Aspects of Health Administration, Financial Management of Health Care Institutions, Marketing for Health Services Organizations, Management and Information Systems, and Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Services.
It’s important to avoid underestimating the importance of practical experience in this field. Many programs require you to complete a one-semester internship at a local medical organization.
As a health care administration student, you may be able to apply for grant and scholarship programs throughout the state. The Allied Healthcare Scholarship is funded by the state and awards funds to students who commit to a medically underserved area after graduation. The California Health Professions Education Scholarship Program runs in much the same way.
You may also want to take advantage of networking opportunities as a medical management student. The California Medical Group Management Association advocates for medical managers on a legislative level and provides a variety of networking opportunities.
Job Outlook for Healthcare Administrators in California
California may be the ideal place to start a health care career. This field has a projected 24 percent job growth rate over the decade leading up to 2028. Furthermore, salaries in this state tend to be significantly higher than the national average, an average of $138,030 per year.
To find out what a career in health care management entails, and how to get started, contact health care management schools in California today. You can choose from our complete listing of healthcare administration schools and send your requests for program information directly from our site.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.
Job growth projections sourced from California’s Employment Development Department and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

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