Home Bachelors in Health Administration Bachelors in Health Care Administration in Texas

Bachelors in Health Care Administration in Texas

As one of the largest states in the country, Texas has a unique health care industry that demands excellence from practitioners, support staff, and leaders. If you currently work in the field of health services administration in Texas or if you have an interest in this field, you may want to consider becoming a health care administrator.

Contact the schools listed below that offer bachelors in healthcare administration in Texas to learn more about your options for study.

Bachelor of Healthcare Administration Programs in Texas

Health care administration is a crucial field right now, particularly due to changing federal legislation. It is extremely difficult for organizations and employers to navigate this period of change, and health care administrators are the key to successfully going through these changes.

Texas legislators have recently decided to take a tough stance on Medicaid funding. Depending on which way this legislation goes, more Texans may be covered by federal Medicaid funds than ever before. More medical administrators may need to learn how to meet this boost in patient numbers, making earning a bachelors in health science in Texas a good choice.

Deciding to earn a bachelors in health administration in Texas can put you in a position to start an exciting and rewarding career. To succeed in this type of program, you should be ready to tackle a range of learning goals. By the time you graduate, you may be able to analyze industry issues and problems, come up with innovative solutions to problems, understand and predict change in the health care industry, and identify major financing systems of the health care industry.

To address these learning outcomes, you may complete a full and varied curriculum of courses. Classes you may be required to take include while completing your degree in health services administration in Texas may include the following. Health Care Financing and Information Systems, U.S. Health Care System, Human Resource Management, Health Care Ethics, Medical Law, and Community & Public Health.

Earning a degree in a growing field like health care may give you the chance to earn competitive scholarships on a statewide and national level. The Texas Public Health Association awards scholarships to promising health care students on an annual basis. The Gunnin Scholarship is available to Texas students who are enrolled in a full-time health care program.

Working as a Healthcare Administrator in Texas

The job outlook is expected to remain bright for medical managers in Texas, where a 22 percent growht rate is projected between 2018 and 2028. On average, a Texas medical manager earns $110,870 per year.

When you start your healthcare administration career in Texas, you may have access to a number of resources and events that put you at the forefront of the national health care industry. A local symposium on health care brings together leaders in the industry for discussions and debates on health care.

Making use of local resources can help you reach your full potential as a medical manager. You may wish to learn about local events and network with other medical professionals by joining the Texas Medical Group Management Association.

Health care administration is a promising field that’s still growing. Get started on your new career path now by contacting health care administration schools in Texas that you are interested in from those listed below.


2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.

Job growth projections sourced from the Texas Workforce Commission and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

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