Bachelor’s in Health Care Admin in Wisconsin
Working in health care can be one of the best ways you can serve your community and give back to local residents. After all, national health care legislation has made it possible for everyone to get health insurance and access affordable medical care. If you want to help health care providers meet the needs of their patients, learn more about health care administration programs in Wisconsin.
Contact the schools listed below that offer Bachelor’s degrees in health services administration in Wisconsin for program details today.
If you want to work in health care management, Wisconsin may well be one of the best states to work in. Wisconsin ranks number three in the entire country for health care quality, speaking to the efficiency of the state’s leadership and health care providers. Earning your Bachelor’s in health science in Wisconsin can position you for a promising future.
Management is a growing opportunity for those who want to get established in health care. Health care careers in administration are growing rapidly throughout Wisconsin.
On top of the other benefits that come with working in Wisconsin, you may enjoy increased funding as a health care administrator in this region. State money is being distributed to improve health care outcomes across the state.
Getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Services Administration in WI
As a Bachelor’s in health administration student, you may be able to get training in financial management, information management, leadership, and other aspects of health management. Over the course of four years, you are required to complete 120 credits. This includes health care courses and general education courses.
Some of the classes you may take as a healthcare administration student include Health Information Management, Health Care Staff Management, Epidemiology, Community and Population Health, and Financial Management in Health Care Institutions. If you attend a Wisconsin school that has ties to local medical institutions, you may complete a residency or an internship at a nearby employer. This experience can help you build connections and put your knowledge to use.
Deciding to work in health care may give you the chance to apply for a variety of scholarships. Take a look at your options every year to try to minimize your out-of-pocket educational expenses. The Wisconsin Medical Society awards a variety of scholarships to health care students. For those who are interested in financial management, the Wisconsin HFMA may be a great scholarship resource.
Taking advantage of networking opportunities can help you take your career to the next level. As a student and aspiring professional, consider joining a group like the Wisconsin Medical Group Management Association.
Working with Your Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration in Wisconsin
Medical management is a growing field in Wisconsin. Medical management jobs are projected to increase by 11 percent between 2018 and 2028. Salaries in this field can also be very competitive. The average salary for a health administrator in Wisconsin is $119,220 per year.
Are you ready to lead Wisconsin’s medical institutions to higher standards of patient care and better outcomes? If so, request program materials from the health care administration programs in Wisconsin listed below to get started.
2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.
Job growth projections sourced from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

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