Home Master's in Health Administration Degree Programs Healthcare Administration Graduate Programs in Delaware

Healthcare Administration Graduate Programs in Delaware

When considering a career in healthcare administration, most healthcare leaders will achieve a bachelor’s degree prior to entry into the workforce. However, many employers would prefer candidates who have a master’s degree and it may be required of current employees looking for a promotion. While many people may feel they may not have the time to go back to school, most graduate degree programs are actually constructed to fit into a working life style.

Today’s graduate programs in healthcare administration offer the flexibility a full-time worker would need. They offer a variety of options such as classes offered during the day (traditional classes), evening, weekends, held at satellite locations and online classes. The combination of choices is intended to help you achieve your graduate degree goals as easily as possible. Take a look at the schools offering healthcare administration master’s degrees in Delaware, then request additional information from those you are interested in.

When looking for a healthcare administration graduate degree program, it is important to look for an accredited school. Accreditation is important because it shows the school has met standardized requirements set by an independent organization. These standards are a formal process that evaluates the degree program(s) to ensure the objectives and goals are the outcome of the graduate.

Accreditation for healthcare administration graduate degree programs in Delaware are granted by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association (MSCHE) and the United Stated Department of Education (USDOE). There can be additional accrediting organizations should the degree program offer a specialty or if dual graduate degrees are desired.

There are several accredited schools in Delaware that offer graduate degree programs in healthcare administration. The admissions process and deadlines vary with each school. Requirements such as prerequisite classes or training along with a minimum grade point average from an undergraduate degree is typically required. Other requirements can include prior degree accreditation, written essays and letters of reference.

Scholarships, grants and financial aid are available for most graduate students in Delaware. Information on scholarships and grants can be found at the graduate school of choice in the financial or counseling offices. There is also scholarship and grant information available on the web, such as the Federal Pell Grant Program with the United States Department of Education. Students can apply for scholarships, grants and financial aid at the same time.

A master’s degree in healthcare administration can usually be obtained in 12 to 24 months, depending on whether classes are taken simultaneously or on a part-time basis. A graduate degree from an accredited school can lead to a career change or promotion into a new position. According to the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, salaries for healthcare administrators are higher in Delaware than the national average. In addition, projected job growth is fully anticipated.

If you are ready to explore your options for getting your Master’s degrees in Healthcare Administration, simply contact the schools on this page to get started.


2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.

Job growth projections sourced from the Delaware Department of Labor and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

Health Administration Schools

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