Home Master's in Health Administration Degree Programs Health Administration Master’s Degrees in Montana

Health Administration Master’s Degrees in Montana

Would you like to take a forward step in your career? If your current position is not fulfilling your dream of leadership, responsibility and the personal satisfaction of serving the community in a vital way, it may be time to consider entering the rapidly growing field of Healthcare Administration in Montana.

Getting started is not as difficult as you may think. We have taken the time to compile a listing of all the campus based and online Master’s in Healthcare Administration (MHA) degrees in Montana, so you can contact them easily for additional information. Submit your request for information to all the schools listed below that offer MHA programs you want to know more about to get started.

Healthcare Administrators and Managers enjoy interesting and diverse careers that make real differences in people’s lives. Healthcare is one of Montana’s fastest growing industries due largely to the flood of Baby Boomers now reaching retirement age, living longer and enjoying active lives. In addition, The Affordable Care Act has made healthcare accessible to more Montana citizens than ever before.

Employment of health service managers and administrators is projected to grow by 16 percent in Montana between 2018 and 2028.

Compensation can be attractive too. The annual mean salary for medical and health service administrators in Montana varied from $85,560 in Great Falls to $116,380 in Southwest Montana to $88,410 in the eastern part of the State. This is around double the general average annual salary for all jobs in Montana, $47,270.

Montana’s hospitals, clinics, medical groups, nursing homes, and other types of medical facilities are seeking educated and motivated administrators and managers. A Healthcare Administrator’s role may include overseeing, managing, measuring and coordinating activities within a facility to ensure smooth operations, thus allowing the doctors and medical staff to focus strictly on the medical issues of the patients.

As a healthcare administrator, you may also be responsible for keeping abreast of new laws and regulations and other external factors that could impact the operation of the facility.

If you are already involved in the healthcare industry as a nurse, or even if you have earned a bachelor’s degree in a non-healthcare major, you might consider pursuing a Master’s degree in Health Administration in MT. The best resource for researching your choices is to request more information from schools offering graduate health admin degrees directly from our site. That way, you will be able compare specific information regarding advanced degrees in Health Administration.

Besides on-campus offerings, many excellent online MHA programs in Montana may provide the flexibility to begin the journey without completely disrupting your current situation. The curriculum will typically include Health Policy and Law, Finance, Healthcare Economics, Leadership, Planning and Project Management. Prior to graduation, you may complete a capstone project that utilizes many of the skills learned in the process.

A Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration may be completed in as little as 18 months to two years, depending upon the individual program you choose and, of course, your own schedule. If you have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited University with a GPA of 2.3 or above, regardless of your major, you may qualify for entry into one of these programs. In some cases, you may not even be required to take the GRE normally required for graduate school admission.

A decision to pursue a challenging career in Healthcare Administration can improve your own future and the future of many others as well. If you are ready to become a leader in the delivery of healthcare in Montana, get started today by contacting the schools below for more information.


2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for Medical and Health Services Managers.

Job growth projections sourced from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry and published in the U.S. Department of Labor-funded Long Term Occupational Projections (2018-2028) database. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expressly refers users to this source for state-specific job market data. Salary figures and job market projections reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

Health Administration Schools

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